Colors – The Project

A (daily) quiet hour in the studio.

Starting Point

– one hour of time
– a sheet of paper 50 x 50 cm
– 21 colors tempera
– trust in the process


There is no task. There is nothing to do – nothing to fulfill. A center point is penciled – nothing else. An empty sheet may fill itself completely. No matter how. It may be what is there at the moment. And it may rise to the surface, what wants to show itself. Enter into a process that is not known and that is not directed towards a certain result. It doesn’t matter if the mind starts or the momentum. There will be days of success and days of perceived stagnation. Never mind. Because only in retrospect the process will reveal itself and release entirely different insights. Creating the opportunity to grow – that’s how creativity works.

Immediately after painting, I sit down and record what went through my mind during the process. Right here into a blog entry. The photo documentation takes place at the end of the week after the papers have dried.

Hannover, September 26, 2021